Making the most of a work assignment in southern NH lead to a nice day with the doggies and dinner out for us.

The big-headed bulldog is ready for a day trip and she wants to know where we are going. Her sense of direction is pretty bad so she will just have to sit back and wait to see where we land. Every time the door to the coach opens there is a new location.

On this day, the day trip took us to the Derry / Salem area to a farm. When Whiskey is doing his work, I'll walk the dogs, and then read. Even though the scenery on these work assignments may not be great, it is interesting seeing different places. The views from the coach area always changing and the dogs never know what is on the other side of the door.
Once work was completed, it would have been neat to explore America's Stonehenge, but it is not dog friendly, so we moved on and chose to check out Lake Massabesic.
Lake Massabesic is a busy park because it is surrounded by a densely populated area of NH. There are trails and benches; so you can walk, sit and enjoy the scenery, or for sporty people toss a frisbee. We enjoyed walking in the grassy area and avoided "fouling" the grounds. Doggies had their dinner and then we headed north for dinner ourselves.
A place we like just outside of Concord is Makris Lobster & Steak House. The Makris family also owns another favorite, NASWA Resort on Lake Winnipesaukee. We like Makris because it offers good food in a very casual atmosphere and has a large u-shaped bar. And we are bar flies so we like big bars.
We choose places that have parking lots with enough room to fit the rig. Having shade is a bonus during the summer. Even though we run the generator and AC to keep the doggies safe, the shade is a great help.
When searching for new places to go we always look at the satellite view on Maps to see the parking lots. This helps us know if we can maneuver the before going.
Not a super exciting destination for this post, just day in the life of Wine and Whiskey. Making the most of the opportunities presented.
Live life to the fullest!