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  • Writer's pictureWine & Whiskey

Twas the Week Before Christmas

Christmas season was great. During the run up to Christmas we enjoyed meetups with friends both at our home and theirs; thankful to have great local friends. ❣️

Here is Crabby Jack and Ginger's home all lit up for Christmas. Despite the Crabby Jack nickname, CJ is festive and loves to decorate with lights. Well done!

I like to host dinner at home; it's easiest when just two guests at a time. It means less dishes, smaller table, more personal one-on-on conversations, and a normal amount of food.

We had our new neighbors for dinner on the 21st. This was their first time over since moving in next door in August. They have been working on the neglected house every day since the end of June. (We are glad the weirdo neighbor is gone.) We'll need to come up with pseudonyms for them because I am certain they will make an appearance here at some point.

No commentary is needed to summarize the week running up to Christmas. It was all about friend meetups, drinks, food, and good cheer. We love our bubble.

This is a video to capture the week before Christmas. You can see the torrential rain, lights in town, parties, and Christmas at home. Life is good!!

See you in 2024!! Please subscribe to get notified when new posts are published. Thank you!

Happy New Year!!

~Wine & Whiskey

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