Spring is in the air. Here is a quick video of our time in Portsmouth.
We had lunch at River House Restaurant|Easygoing spot for a broad seafood menu & drinks in harborside digs with a scenic deck on the river. (riverhouse53bow.com) The deck is enclosed and has heaters. It was a wonderful spot to watch the tug boats.
Whiskey shaved his beard off this morning before his first visit to the salon I've been going to. Vanity Hair Studio | Best Salon In Portsmouth, NH (vanityhairstudionh.com)
I see Heidi the salon owner. She has been doing my hair since July 2020. I like her upbeat personality and how she is cutting my hair.

Watch the video to see Whiskey's haircut and his face without the beard.
Make your own fun! Get out and live life!

Love seeing some of my old familiar haunts. Kudos to the camera person. So nice & steady, unlike the many whose wiggly wobbly ways make viewers seasick ;) Fergus looks SO good & utterly freaking adorable. Love all the doggies. The dogs' humans are pretty cool, too. Rock on :)