We are preparing for winter despite the unseasonably warm November weather. There is lots to do to get ready: yard clean-up, cut all of the plants back, stack firewood, and batten down the hatches. A video will be coming once I, Wine, figure out the new video editing program. Sigh...trying to keep my brain learning new things to stay current with technology.
From YouTube we learned of a firewood storage rack made using concrete blocks and 2x4s. This led us to ponder stacking our three cords of firewood on the patio instead of the porch. This was a win-win on two accounts. We don't have to move the porch furniture off (and back onto) the porch. Less wear and tear on the porch floor, which means that I won't have to paint the floor this spring. Whiskey got a break from stacking firewood as he usually does it. However, with the new patio location I was able to stack the wood with ease.
We are thankful for our local hardware store's equipment rental department. We rented the Billy Goat and I blew leaves for hours. This machine is amazing. Fortunately, we have a wooded tree line so the leaves can be blown there instead of bagging or raking onto tarps and dragged to the woods.
Luckily for us, we have a friend in the earth work and stonework business; he came and repositioned our granite steps with had sunk during the past twenty years.
Aging is happening and I've got to keep moving. I use the yard work and firewood stacking as exercise and strength training. Here's are photos life at the homestead.
In late October we did an overnight trip to North Conway.
The record warm temperatures in November motivated us to head to York Maine for lunch before we met up with friends for dinner in Portsmouth. We had hoped to walk on the beach, but everyone had the same idea and there was no available parking for our rig.
I've been busy in the kitchen. Here are a few photos, but if you want to see more go to our YouTube channel and see the "In the Homestead Kitchen with Wine" series.
Next up is a trip to New Jersey for Thanksgiving. At this rate of continued unseasonable warm weather, we are hoping that we won't have to worry about traveling in snow as we have in the past.
Thanks for reading and watching.